i am trying to justify the coverlet as a keepsake. but if i were truly clever, i would hand-embroider a quilt in my free time.
baby list 2009 update:
we just ordered a car seat and safety gate.
next up: paint the crib and order a fridge. ours worked for the past 3 years, but we lived on take-out and soymilk. i'm guessing that strategy won't work with a baby in the house.
Absolutely love the bedding too, beautiful. If you are planning on breastfeeding, the most fridge space your baby would need is for a little expressed milk (and even then some mothers don't express). At first, babies really don't require much at all apart from something to drink, a place to sleep, and something to ride in. Not long to go now. You will be wearing your usual jeans coming out of hospital by the looks of things!
so cool!
i bet you could do some simple embroidery on a flat quilt sheet if you were so inspired. its easy if you iron on the pattern (or just draw it on with a pencil or something). then you trace over it with the thread.
it's true that the baby won't need too much room, i guess i meant my mom! she's moving in with us for 2-3 months and is known to cook tons of food. in fact, my parents have two huge fridges at their house, even though they're empty-nesters.
in general i think he'll fit pretty neatly into our living space, but my parents insist on the fridge. sigh.
ironing on a pattern sounds like a great idea, sara! i used to embroider snippets of poetry on quilt squares (wallace stevens), it might be worth investigating.
Embroidery is so easy. You could replicate this sort of design on some plain sheets yourself. A simple design like this should only take about 4 hours to finish.
i think 4 hours might be a little optimistic, considering it took me 3 hours to embroider three lines of text on a small quilt square, but i definitely think it's worth trying out ;)
i'll have to do a quick search for a ready-made bumper. as for a coverlet, i wish my mom would bring her sewing machine, it would be so easy to make a plain linen or flannel blanket.
hmm, is it just me, or is it hard to find plain organic crib bumper insert/covers?
this is the best deal i've found so far ($75 new zealand dollars)
giggle and other places charge about $100-150 for both items.
considering k studio's embroidered bumper is an extra $60, i wonder if this would be a better route to take. i can make a coverlet without a problem, but a bumper would be much more difficult.
well, i guess i'll have to think about it. as much as i like diy projects, i also think it's nice to support independent designers. since i'm going super cheap for everything else, this might be my one little splurge. or it could be my little craft project. hmm.
How about splurge on one piece from the designer...and then work on a couple other accessories of your own to match?
sounds like a good idea to me, emily.
i am waiting to hear back from the designer about other pattern options.
my dream crib would probably have those fantastic john robshaw parrots, though! such gorgeous colors...
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