i keep scolding matthew for taking such unflattering photos of me, especially now, but i think what's more problematic than the camera angle is the puffer vest. slouching doesn't help, either. good posture not only makes for a happy baby, but it also prevents me from looking like a garden gnome. anyway. clearly i need to retire the vest for the next 5 or 6 months....
by the way, my jeans are held up by the sheer elastic strength of the bella band. unfortunately, this stretchy piece of fabric is more like practicing triage than anything else. yes, it allows me to avoid buying maternity denim, but it also means that i have to periodically hike up my pants because the seat starts sagging almost immediately. i'm only 24 weeks, so imagine how difficult it's going to be in a month.
my new wardrobe solution is to focus on skirts, tunics, and dresses. unfortunately, maternity tights and leggings aren't very comfortable either. sometimes i look at myself in my underthings and think that i might as well throw in the towel and wear a unitard.
anyway, the makers of the bella band have just come out with a new line called 'essentials.' i ordered a pair of their leggings, and as less-than-perfect as the bella band is, these are amazing. soft, supportive, and not too constrictive at the waistband. i would buy a back-up pair, except they cost $52 and are out of stock.
i also highly recommend american apparel's foldover jersey yoga pants for slouching around the house. i only wish they offered them as leggings, too.

ok, back to more mid-semester grading madness. i have to go to houston on friday for a conference, which means my paper needs to be in better shape than it is. the other thing about being pregnant and working non-stop is that i've been fighting an uphill battle against fatigue since week 6. i won't go into the details of why i think caffeine in small amounts is safe (some people get really worked up about this), but i really really need my daily cup of tea in order to function.
When a friend of mine was pregnant, she stopped drinking coffee. She was tired all the time (I suppose that happens anyway), and her midwife told her to have a little bit of caffeine every day. I know that typing this here makes it basically hearsay, but I agree, a cup of tea can't hurt!
i think under 300 mg of caffeine (2-3 cups of coffee) is supposedly ok, even in the early months when there's a danger of miscarriages.
i even *gasp* have sips of wine and beer every once in awhile. you won't see me skydiving anytime soon, though!
Awesome ultrasound!
Anyway, I don't know if you have ready access to an actual AA store, but if you don't, I just wanted to comment that I think that a lot of the AA tights/leggings have very high waists, very much like the cotton spandex yoga pant appears (just not in the online pictures).
I like their jersey leggings - thin enough to function as leggings, or even pants, if you're like me and from Los Angeles. The only downside is the perpetual panty line.
Cute you, and cute ultrasound profile!
As for coffee, I read a book by an obstetrician (called The Panic-Free Pregnancy) and he advised that up to 300mgs a day was fine too. That's around 3 cups of coffee which is quite a lot (I have one or two a day). I find it's always best to trust your own judgement and findings, not others though. Everyone will be throwing their own advice at you (sigh). In saying that, the aforementioned book is quite a good read (as I still recall it from being pregnant with Lucy).
It's shocking how much the bump sticks out second time round (re: me)....
Puffer vests are never a bad idea!! They are like the towel in Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy - indispensable! It can be a vest, it can be a pillow, it can be a baby warmer, I assume. Although it sounds like you´re generating enough warmth already....
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