leon's six month check-up went pretty well. we decided to do the pneumococcal conjugate next month, so he had DTaP, Hib and Polio this time. obviously i'll never know for certain, but he was much less fussy this time. he also avoided having a fever (99.9 was the highest temperature i took compared with 103 last time).
everyone comments that he's large for his age. at 27 1/2" (90th percentile), it isn't surprising, although he's only 16 lbs, 4 oz (50th percentile).
yesterday i bought a new pair of pyjamas from baby gap in size 6 to 12 months, although he still fits into his 3-6 months. because cloth diapers are bulkier, i try to use them when we're at home. hardly any of his pants and onesies fit over them. two new wool pants are arriving soon from new zealand (thank you catherine!), which i think will be perfect over the cloth diapers.
i also ordered a few more cloth diapers including two sustainablebabyish bamboo fleece fitteds for overnights. this past week was a first in the diaper leaking department. since he's been nursing so frequently at night, we now need to change his diaper at least once between 7 pm and 5 am. a few nights ago there was a bedwetting incident. and two nights ago matthew didn't snap his onesie over the diaper. i awoke to find my hand in a dirty diaper that leon had managed to pull off. note to all new mamas--a blowout is bad, but this is much worse. snap those onesies and pyjamas!!
i bought a luxe baby wool diaper cover. yes, we're finally starting wool covers, which are expensive but hopefully worth it in the long run. they're more breathable than the PUL waterproof covers, and i like that you can air them out between uses. i also bought (yes, i know, i've been buying a lot of things for leon!) a snuggle wool blanket for the side-car'd crib. i'm hoping this will make crib-sleeping more attractive to leon. i don't mind sharing the bedroom with him, nor do i mind him rolling over onto our bed, but it would be nice to have more space. it is only a full sized mattress, after all.
as you can see from the photos, our house isn't babyproofed. leon is starting to creep fairly efficiently which means that he no longer stays on our prescribed padded floor covering. there are cords and sharp corners and all sorts of things that he can now access.
the future is now!