this is the week in which leon began grabbing everything and anything. toys, my face, hair (ouch), clothing, his own hair (double ouch). he is also practicing rolling from his back to his side, with a little help from us. three nights ago he decided to go to bed at 8.30 pm, sleep until 10.30, then back to bed until 2.30 am, and then at 5.30 am, he's up and ready for the new day. although he still isn't sleeping more than 5 hours at a time, if even that, this is wonderful news for me, the dissertation writer.
basically we get up at 8am. bath time before lunch, maybe a 30 minute nap if we're lucky, and then dinner at 6pm. sometimes we go to the park (he sleeps in the stroller), sometimes we have la leche league or a grocery store run, but mainly i spend my days amusing leon. if i even look away, he starts shrieking. i still feed him at least every two hours until 8pm, but it's more like once an hour. after leon falls asleep, i try to write until midnight.
so far i've written two pages this week. my new goal is to have 5 pages every week this month.
I LOVE the pictures!! You look so happy. And I love your t-shirt ;) Leon is really turning into a little boy -- he just oozes personality. Don't worry the sleep thing will get better!
he sounds like he is absorbing a ton of info and processing it, and so doesn't have time for more sleep (another architect or engineer perhaps)! but like Pam said, the sleep thing will get better. good luck with the writing, etc...
i wear that tee every week, it's so comfy!
i think you're right that he's busy learning. he seems to get bored so quickly, so i'm always searching for new and fun activities for him.
the sleep will get better, but who knows when? i just met a woman whose 10 month old finally slept 8 hours straight. we're just taking it one night at a time...
i am not sure what normal is, but i expect, just based on my kids and my sister's, that sleeping 8 hrs through comes later. if it helps, as my children got older, they only needed to nurse and would immediately go back to sleep. when they were up to a few months old, that wasn't always the case - my son was always awake from about 3am to 5am, etc.. so anyway, at least when he was a few months older, he would eat and then go back to sleep right away - that helped alot:) i know other children are different and once they start solids they sleep longer. my kids resisted solids, and totally bypassed the baby food stage - but i don't think that is normal. anyway, Leon is a treasure!
i've heard that some babies aren't really into baby pureed food, but quickly take to regular food later on. who knows what leon will like, but it will be nice to nurse less frequently!
now if only i could find a way to facilitate more frequent napping...
just wanted to say i love your blog. as a new mom (little boy hugh was born 5/12) i check back on your blog now and then and read old entries to help me feel sane.
leon is soooo cute! and fashionable. :) you're doing an amazing job.
Good luck with your writing quota. I just want you to know that I really admire you for balancing a baby with a dissertation gracefully!
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