on saturday night leon felt warm to me. i wanted to check his temperature, but didn't for fear of disturbing me. it didn't seem to be much higher than 101, and he's normally warm before bedtime. all night long i felt the back of his neck, no change.
sunday morning i checked his temperature. 102.8. i called the nurse, who suggested we give him motrin every 6 hours, tylenol at the 4 hour mark. we didn't have motrin, so we gave him tylenol and then headed up to nashua, nh, to pick up his new jogging stroller. when we returned, he was burning hot. 104.5. i freaked out, gave him motrin, and freaked out some more. the fever would come back at the four mark, so i would give him tylenol. it went back up to 104 once more that night.
monday morning i took leon to the pediatrician. she said it might be a urinary tract infection and that i should keep alternating motrin and tylenol. that day the fever went between 103 and 100. he had no other symptoms aside from the fever. feeding was difficult, but i compensated by nursing more frequently.
tuesday, more of the same. the fever would go down to 100, and then jump back up to 102. 5. the pediatrician called and said we should only give tylenol if it was above 101, and motrin only if it was above 102.5. i gave him motrin once that day. i guess they wanted to see whether the medicine was masking anything.
wednesday morning his temperature was 99.7. it stayed down until mid afternoon, when it shot back up to 102. i gave him tylenol once that day. still eating only half of his regular amount, still crabby.
thursday, the fever is suddenly gone. but he's extra clingy and irritable.
friday. i notice a rash of tiny red bumps on his face, chest and back during his evening bath. we google it. roseola.
i've been watching leon for 7 hour days while matthew finishes his thesis, and i am exhausted, both physically and psychologically.
oh poor leon! my niece had roseola last fall when she was 11 months old. same thing -- high fever for a couple of days and then when it went down a rash, i think all over her body. i guess it is a normal sickness, but i had never heard of it before and i imagine it's scary. wonder how he got it? my niece got it by getting kissed by another little kid at the playground. good luck! i hope he gets better soon.
roseola, who knew! it sounds like it's pretty normal, but any time there's a fever over 104, i freak out. the pediatrician wasn't concerned, but when i hear the words 'febrile seizure'....shudder...
i bet he got it at the mothers' group or in the playroom at the mall.
poor baby! isn't it kind of nuts that you found out by googling and not from your doctor? anyway, good work dr. mama. hope leon feels better soon!
oof. so sorry. j was really sick for the first time ever this week, and it really threw us all for a loop. it's so hard to see your baby like that. completely draining emotionally and physically for us moms, right? well, hang in there. i hope everyone is feeling better soon.
how scary! i am thinking of you and leon and hoping your days get better - your a good mama!
poor little guy! Hope you are all doing better...
My Poon got this fever last Nov as well. All those red dots were last for a week. The book i read said that you can give him a shower if red dots disappear. Also, you will get this only once in your life and if you don't get it until you are 2, you won't get it anymore.
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