maybe it was new york city, but leon started standing on his own for a few seconds at a time. sometimes he's holding onto something and then lets go. more excitingly, sometimes he slowly stands up from a crouching position.
he also can climb onto the couch. scary times for my poor books.
as for me, the heart palpitations are gone (more or less), and my heart checked out just fine. unfortunately, the inevitable finally happened and my front tooth died after nearly 20 years post-rollerskating accident. it really is true. even as these babies thrive, the parents (especially mama) take such a beating. still working on the sleep thing. last night was awful (wakings every 30-90 minutes). i don't have the heart to let him cry. he's too knowing already.
Boy, he is going to be taking off any time now!
And your poor tooth! That's terrible.
hang in there mama. so glad to hear about your heart and not so glad to hear about your tooth. leon is as handsome as ever.
the tooth is making me really sad. i can't believe how expensive it's going to be, and it's super hard to eat (no ginger molasses cookies or salted caramels for me). too bad all the dentists are on vacation until early january. pff.
that last part is half the reason we decided to act sooner than later. i worried the longer we waited the more 'knowing' he would become, and the more 'personal' it would feel.
at least now, i can partly convince myself that he is still in this quasi-primal stage of development - where he's not yet connecting one moment to the next. ya know?
those pics of him standing are PRECIOUS!!!
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